The beginning of our relationship seems so far away sometimes, we have such amazing things happening every day I am eager to skip ahead and tell you all about where we are now. But, as I said last week the whole story is worth telling. So I asked Jon to write something about what he remembered from our second date to give me some inspiration and it's pretty perfect. He wrote a little bit about our first and second dates, but my favorite part of it is how he describes himself.
"If you don’t know me you’d probably describe me as quiet or reserved or even stand-offish. If you do know me, you’d probably still say the same. But the truth is I’m just really shy. The sort of down-to-your-core shyness that comes from a perfect storm of cultural upbringing, physical stature, and growing up in Silicon Valley in the 90’s. My peers and I were so socially awkward we invented something called a bulletin-board-system, or BBS so we could interact with other people from behind the safety of a computer monitor. When the internet exploded into the mainstream our little digital oases were the primordial soup that gave rise to today’s social media. You’re welcome. "
That man is the love of my life.
The week between date one and date two was full of the magic that comes with anticipation. The dream of what may blossom with no worries about what might go wrong. I was talking about the first date nonstop, and I tried to not blow up his phone with text messages.
My primary thought that week was about kissing. I had been bold enough to kiss him on date one, but truth be told, it was just a quick easy peck I would bestow on the lips of some of my closest friends. What would it feel like when he kissed me? I needed a window into how the rest of our physical chemistry would go. I believe that you have to want to kiss your partner, passionately and often.
A little river in the storytelling... I'm not sure when but one day Jon and I were in an elevator, we had to have already been living together at this point. Well, I pressed the button and then just started kissing him, making out really, until we arrived at our floor. As we walked out I said, "Wouldn't it be fun if we always did that? No matter when no matter what's happening, we always make out in the elevator if we are alone. Then one day we will be the old people who make out in elevators" Now we do, every time. Without fail. No matter if my sassy pants are on. No matter if he’s hangry. It's just one of those things that makes me smile and so grateful for this man I share my life with.
This story about kissing is still fun even though we all know it must end well since I am telling our love story, but what is funny is how I spent the week worrying about it. Telling everyone who would listen that I was going to be so sad to give up the wonderful connection because if the kissing wasn't good I was prepared to leave him in the dust. I was not going to compromise on something I thought was so important.
With all the anticipation, I scheduled him (again) between work and theatre. At least this time I gave us enough time for a proper meal. We went and ate Italian food and drank wine in the dark of a restaurant that hid the light from the daytime sun. I know I am the writer here but I will use Jon's words one more time...
"So a week later we met for an early dinner at Assagio’s in Kahala. That was before I knew about your love/hate relationship with Italian food. Fortunately, I think we were both more interested in the company than the food. I honestly couldn’t tell you what we talked about on that second date either, only that the conversation seemed never-ending. Compelling, witty, exciting conversation. Did I mention I’m super shy? I do remember looking at you between words, captivated by your beauty and intelligence. Who is this girl who seems to know you so well yet you have just met? But eventually, the afternoon turned into evening, and again our time again grew short. Only this time there was no question we would see each other again. We even made a “down-payment” of sorts in the form of a good old-fashioned make-out session standing in the parking lot. So with a promise and a box of chocolates, our second date came to a close with hope and desire, pleasure and delight, joy and gratitude."
I love how he put it, 'hope and desire, pleasure, and delight, joy and gratitude." These are the high-vibration feelings we still cultivate just by being near each other. We didn't know it then, we were just spellbound by something outside us, something that would take us years to really understand. As if this love was a seed planted a long time ago and when we met it finally got watered.
